February Spotlight Senior

The "Spotlight Senior"\r\nrecognition is intended to honor an exemplary member of the current senior\r\nclass as well as serve as a reminder to the Board of Directors and\r\ndistrict administration of what the school district's "finished\r\nproduct" looks like; a reminder that our goal is to help our students\r\ndevelop into intelligent, articulate, successful adults.


The Spotlight\r\nSenior for the month of February is Ashtyn Colinger.  Ashtyn is\r\ntremendously respected by our staff and her peers.  She is involved in a\r\nmyriad of school activities, community service, and maintains a part-time job;\r\nall the while maintaining a perfect 4.0-grade point average.


 Congratulations,\r\nAshtyn!  We are proud to call you a true Barton Bear!