
πŸ“’ Exciting News for Young Athletes! ⚾πŸ₯Ž

Barton School is committed to helping our young athletes grow together, building strong team foundations that will carry them through senior high sports. That’s why we’re excited to partner with Twin City Athletic Association to create Bearcub Peewee Baseball and Softball Teams! 🐻⚾πŸ₯Ž

πŸ”Ή Age Groups:

10U: Ages 9-10

12U: Ages 11-12

πŸ”Ή Birthdate Cut-offs:

Softball: Age is determined by January 1st of the current year

Baseball: Age is determined by May 1st of the current year

πŸ”Ή Cost: $60 per player

πŸ”Ή Sign-Up: Forms will be sent home with students today and must be returned by Friday with the sign-up fee.

πŸ”Ή Payment Options: Cash (exact change), Checks (made out to Twin City Athletic Association). Pay at the Elementary Office

πŸ“’ Already signed up for JR House? No problem! If you’d like to switch to the Barton team, email Coach Sexton at to make the change.

⚾πŸ₯Ž Games will tentatively begin April 29 and will be played on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays.

Let’s give our young athletes the chance to start playing together now and build a strong future for Barton sports! Go Bears! 🐻