Barton School District's Open House is today, August 11th, 2:00-6:00. Students will receive schedules, purchase lockers, and meet their teachers.
21-22 Yearbooks will be available in Ms. Coyle's room (Burney 216).
Chromebook insurance will be available in the cafeteria lobby.
Visit https://www.bartonsd.org/page/new-school-year to get a head start on paper work!!
School starts Monday, August 15, 2022!!!!

Barton High School will have 7th grade orientation for rising 7th graders on Wednesday, August 10th, 1:30-2:30. 7th grade students will receive schedules, purchase lockers, and meet their teachers.
Barton School District will have Open House Thursday, August 11th, 2:00-6:00. Students will receive schedules, purchase lockers, and meet their teachers. 21-22 Yearbooks will be available in Ms. Coyle's room (Burney 216). Chromebook insurance will be available in the cafeteria lobby.
Visit https://www.bartonsd.org/page/new-school-year to get a head start on paper work!!
School starts Monday, August 15, 2022!!!!

Barton Bear Booster Club will have a meeting tomorrow, August 2nd, at 6:00 p.m. in the Kirkland Facility. The public is encouraged to attend. Go Bears!

Chromebook insurance will be sold tomorrow, August 1st from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. in the Administration building. Insurance is available for $30 for the 1st child and $20 for each additional child in the household. Only chargers will be given out tomorrow. Cash only!!

The opportunity for school choice deadline was May 1, 2022. Letters of acceptance have already been received by participating school choice families for the 22-23 school year. The statute set by the Arkansas General Assembly specifically sets the deadlines for when applications under school choice may be accepted and that the deadline has already passed and we, Barton School District, have no authority to override the deadlines. A.C.A 6-18-227.
To clear up any confusion, just because a school is on Level 5, they still have to abide by the deadlines and dates set by the Arkansas General Assembly. The deadline has already passed for the 2022-2023 school year.
Sorry for any inconvenience.

Barton High School sports physicals will be tomorrow, July 19 at 4:00 p.m. at the Bell Winston Clinic. 7th-12th grade students who plan to play any sports during the 22-23 school year will have to have a physical. A bus will leave the school at 3:30 or students can come to the clinic at 4:00.

Summer Bootcamp starts tomorrow, July 18th at 8:00 a.m.!! Dates will be be July 18th-21st and July 25th-28th, 8:00-3:00. (Monday-Thursday ONLY) Please have students that need transportation at the bus stop by 7:30 a.m. Students will be provided breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snack! High School students must report to the cafeteria as soon as they arrive on campus. We are excited to see the progress made in these 2 weeks!

Summer Bootcamp starts this Monday, July 18th at 8:00 a.m.!! Dates will be be July 18th-21st and July 25th-28th, 8:00-3:00. (Monday-Thursday ONLY) Please have students that need transportation at the bus stop by 7:30 a.m. Students will be provided breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snack! High School students must report to the cafeteria as soon as they arrive on campus. We are excited to see the progress made in these 2 weeks!

Barton JR High Football (7th-9th graders) will start summer practices this Wednesday, July 13th at 9:30 a.m.

Barton High School report card pick up is tomorrow, June 2nd. You may come pick your child's report card in the high school office from 7:30 to 3:30. Also, if your student would like to participate in the ACT Summer Bootcamp next week, you may register and pay at the high school office tomorrow. ($20 cash only)

Thank you all for a great school year! We hope everyone has a great summer! See you on August 15th! π€©π»βοΈ

Barton Bears Baseball will have a parent and player meeting on Thursday, May 26th at 6:00 p.m. in the indoor facility.

Barton School District will run a double bus route this afternoon, 5/24/22. Bus 26 (Mrs. Palmer) will be delayed about 25 minutes. We apologize for the inconvenience.

β9th-12th graders: There will be an ACT Summer Bootcamp June 7th-9th from 8:30-11:30am in preparation for the June 11th ACT. The cost is $20, cash only. See Mrs. Miller to register. Only 45 spots available.

Barton School District will run a double bus route this afternoon, 5/20/22. Bus 26 (Mrs. Palmer) will be delayed about 25 minutes. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Also, there will be no food or drinks allowed on any school bus from this point forward. This includes regular routes, sports events, field trips, etc. This will be strictly enforced due to health and safety concerns. Thank you.

Barton School District's Bus 29 (Coach Stewart) will have to run an alternate route today, Friday, May 13th due to down trees. Some students will be delayed. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Barton Elementary May Day is today, Friday, May 13th, 9:30 to 11:30 on Frank McClellan Field!! Parents and other guests may purchase an armband at the gate. There will be a concession stand if you want to buy snacks or drinks. A sack lunch will be provided for each student at 11:00. Come out and enjoy the morning!

Barton Elementary May Day is tomorrow, Friday, May 13th, 9:30 to 11:30 on Frank McClellan Field. Parents and other guests may purchase an armband at the gate. There will be a concession stand if you want to buy snacks or drinks. A sack lunch will be provided for each student at 11:00. We are looking forward to a fun-filled day!

Barton High School Honors Assembly is tomorrow, May 11th at 10:00a.m. in the high school gym. Honors Assembly is for students in 7th-11th grades.
Barton High School Sports Assembly is tomorrow, May 11th at 2:00p.m. in the high school gym. Sports Assembly is for students in 10th-12th grades.
Invitations were emailed to students. Those students and their parents/ guardians are encouraged to attend.

Barton High School Class of 2022 graduation ceremony begins at 7:00 p.m. tonight, May 9th, on Frank McClellan Field. Stream it live here: https://livestream.com/accounts/14770907/events/10396359