​Partners Bank Stadium at Frank McClellan Field will allow 400 fans to enter on game days during the pandemic. All children under 7th grade must be accompanied by an adult and the child must stay with the adult in the stands. Masks must be worn at all times except while eating. Social distancing by family groups is required. Do not sit where there is orange tape. Games will be live streamed and the link to watch will be announced on game day. Admission into the stadium is $5.00 Barton JR. Bears will host the Clarendon Lions this Thursday, September 3rd at 6:00! Go Bears!
over 4 years ago, Barton School District
Cheer practice for today has been canceled. Cheer tryout practice will for tomorrow at 3:15 is still on for now. Tryouts will be on Wednesday, September 2nd.
over 4 years ago, Barton School District
The football parent meeting schedule for this evening has been postponed until Monday at 6:00 in the Kirkland Facility. Also parents of 7th-12th grade students, please send $4.00 with your student to purchase a locker if you have not already done so.
over 4 years ago, Barton School District
Today has been a great 1st day back! We have outstanding parents! We appreciate all the understanding you have showed us. Some things are still being worked out so if you need any assistance please call your building office. High School is 870-572-7294 ext 6867. Elementary is 870-572-7294 ext 3984. Also, there will be a mandatory football meeting for parents of football players on Thursday, August 27th at 6:00 p.m. in the Kirkland Facility.
over 4 years ago, Barton School District
BSD only has 1 hotspot location at this time. It is located at the ticket booth at the football field. The wifi name is Barton Admin and the password is Bears123. We are still waiting on the other devices from the Department of ED to set up in other locations. We apologize for this inconvenience.
over 4 years ago, Barton School District
Barton School District wants to welcome everyone to another great school year starting tomorrow, August 24th. Please temperature check your child before coming to school. Anything above 100.4, please stay at home. Mask are required for 5th through 12th grade and strongly recommended for those under 5th grade. Remind your students to socially distance when feasible and wash their hands often. Also, remember to charge your Chromebook and bring your Chromebook and charger to school every day. Virtual students, be sure to log in to your Google Classroom to get your assignments. We hope everyone enjoyed their long break and can’t wait to start another year! Stay safe and healthy!
over 4 years ago, Barton School District
Virtual Open House has started! Kindergarten, 7th graders, and new to the district students are invited on campus tomorrow, 8/20/20 from 12:00 to 6:00. Follow the link below for driveway information, high school schedule information, buying lockers, and seeing whose homeroom your elementary student has!! 1st day of school is Monday, August 24th!! https://www.bartonsd.org/o/barton-lexa-school-district/page/virtual-open-house--23
over 4 years ago, Barton School District
Virtual Open House information is not posted yet. We will send a text with the direct link to the Virtual Open House page and post on social media when the information is published. Stay tuned...
over 4 years ago, Barton School District
Barton Bear Booster Club will meet today, 8/17/20, at 6:30 at Frank McClellan Field. Social distance and mask are required.
over 4 years ago, Barton School District
Today is the last day to decide on your instructional option! Please visit https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfmbx_1iWTdVPBP-JCFDbcIAH93K5qr4u6yBAuLUCaH3f5aKA/viewform
over 4 years ago, Barton School District
Today is the last day to pick up chromebooks. 7:00 to 1:00 and 5:00 to 7:00. All devices are ready. Tomorrow is the last day to make your instructional option selection. Please visit https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfmbx_1iWTdVPBP-JCFDbcIAH93K5qr4u6yBAuLUCaH3f5aKA/viewform
over 4 years ago, Barton School District
Chromebook distribution scheduled for tomorrow, August 4th, has to be postponed due to construction. 7th-9th graders that were scheduled for tomorrow can come on Wednesday or Thursday from 7:00 to 1:00 or 5:00 to 7:00. We apologize for inconvenience.
over 4 years ago, Barton School District
The Chromebook distribution will be next week. Devices will be distributed August 3-6. Every student in kindergarten through 12th grade will receive a chrome device, not just the students who chose virtual learning. Insurance is $25 for individual coverage or $25 for the 1st student and $15 for each additional student in the house for family coverage. Insurance payment is cash only. Please visit https://www.bartonsd.org/o/barton-lexa-school-district/page/chromebooks--72 for more information and grade assignment dates. MASK ARE REQUIRED
over 4 years ago, Barton School District
The Chromebook distribution schedule has changed. Devices will be distributed August 3-6. Every student in kindergarten through 12th grade will receive a chrome device, not just the students who chose virtual learning. Insurance is $25 for individual coverage or $25 for the 1st student and $15 for each additional student in the house for family coverage. Insurance payment is cash only. Please visit https://docs.google.com/document/d/1haU4Jptx06Mfd9ZF9x33veqs5ZtGtzkj9YJDREUJ1U8/edit?usp=sharing for more information.
over 4 years ago, Barton School District
Due to the governor extending the school start date, Barton School District has updated the school calendar. 1st day of school will be August 24, 2020. The last day of school will be May 21, 2021. In the updated calendar, you will notice 12 "Virtual Unfinished Learning Days." These are days that students will not report to campus but will have online work assigned to them to close the gap on things they were not taught in the 2019-2020 school year. Teachers will be available to assist students on these days by phone or email. The dates are: September 7 October 23 October 26 November 23 November 24 December 21 December 22 January 18 February 12 February 15 April 16 April 19 Updated Calendar: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1trsXpl6PaJt_l90o3N6uLxbClWlw0QZ0UAptxCAwxQk/edit?usp=sharing
over 4 years ago, Barton School District
In accordance with the governor’s announcement last week, Barton School District will postpone the start of school until August 24th. Our back to school plans, calendars, and contracts will all have to be altered. We plan to publish all the new information by Friday, July 17th.
over 4 years ago, Barton School District
Today, July 10th, is the deadline for choosing your instructional option for 20-21. Anyone who has not submitted their intent after today, will be agreeing to traditional on-site instruction. If you have already completed the form, please do not submit again. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfmbx_1iWTdVPBP-JCFDbcIAH93K5qr4u6yBAuLUCaH3f5aKA/viewform
over 4 years ago, Barton School District
In accordance with the govenor's announcement today that school will not start back until August 24th, the Barton School District is working with the Department of Education to see what our options are as a district and will announce as soon as we have an answer.
over 4 years ago, Barton School District
Tomorrow, July 10th, is the deadline for choosing your instructional option for 20-21. Anyone who has not submitted their intent after July 10th, will be agreeing to traditional on-site instruction. If you have already completed the form, please do not submit again. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfmbx_1iWTdVPBP-JCFDbcIAH93K5qr4u6yBAuLUCaH3f5aKA/viewform
over 4 years ago, Barton School District
This Friday, July 10th, is the deadline for choosing your instructional option for 20-21. Anyone who has not submitted their intent after July 10th, will be agreeing to traditional on-site instruction. If you have already completed the form, please do not submit again. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfmbx_1iWTdVPBP-JCFDbcIAH93K5qr4u6yBAuLUCaH3f5aKA/viewform
over 4 years ago, Barton School District